CTS concepts equivalency table

This table has been written by B. Almas and H. Cayless in the context of the Distributed Text Services efforts.

CTS LAWD FRBR Concept Notes
Namespace N/A N/A Naming Authority, Collection The intent of the CTS namespace was to serve as a naming authority for a set of CTS URN identifiers in order to be able to declare uniqueness of all textgroup identifiers only within the scope of a given namespace. In practice, this has been interpreted mainly as a Collection or Corpus identifier.
Textgroup N/A N/A Collection, Author/logical grouping an identifier for any group of texts that are conventionally cited together in the naming authority’s tradition
Work ConceptualWork Work Abstract Work  
Version WrittenWork, Edition Expression Digital Edition According to LAWD, an “Edition” is a published version of a WrittenWork; I think this might correspond more closely to the CTS concept of “Version” than just WrittenWork because a CTS Version is a distinct publication of an expression of a Conceptual Work
Edition Written Work, Edition Expression Digital Edition a CTS Edition is a type of a CTS version, with the restriction that it must be an expression of a work in the original source language of the work
Translation Translation Expression Digital Edition a CTS Translation is a type of a CTS version, with the restriction that it must be an expression of a work in a different language than the original source language of the work
Exemplar n/a Item Derived Resource The HMT has been using Exemplars to represent specific derivations of a CTS version created for the purpose of analysis and unambiguous citation at the level of the token. E.g. a tokenization by morphemes. This might be more of a derivation than an interpretation but it has elements of both.
Passage Citation N/A Resource Fragment a CTS Passage identifies a singe citable section of a work - it might be a single “node” or a range of “nodes”

CTS Request Diagram

CTS Request Diagram